Welcome to Shrike Sword and Shield.

Main Page Tools Materials Techniques

This site was created partially out of necessity. I was told to do this as a class assignment. This site also partially exists in order to store metalworking techniques that I have discovered through research, word-of-mouth, and a whole lot of google for future use. As is probably already clear, this site is unfinished as of now, and progress will be made further down the line. Here I will cover the basics, such as a bit of blacksmithing history, necessary tools, and the best materials to use. As of now, all links are broken, and I am working on getting the content together before I focus on appearance. More updates to come.

Blacksmithing is a craft that is believed to have started over a millennium ago, in 6th century England at the beginning of the Iron Age. Some of the first metals to be used in the craft are bronze and iron, of which iron became more popular for its abundance as well as its more desirable properties. Iron is still used quite often today, though usually it is alloyed with carbon to produce steel. Blacksmithing is a very versatile skill, as it can be used to craft tools, decorations, weapons, and much more.